Frequently Asked Questions
Registering for 2024 Summer Programs will begin on March 1.
Are there discounts being offered in the 2024 season?
Yes, only for members
Non-Member Discounts
Early Bird Discount.
Member’s Discounts
Early Bird Discount.
Membership Discount of $50 will apply from June 1 to August 31, 2024.
Obtain Membership Discount Code from the Director of Youth Programs
Members should obtain discount code upon paying 2024 dues.
This is per student, per week. For example 2 students, each attending three weeks of sailing would be a total of a $300 discount. (2x3x$50).
Frequently Asked Questions
How are Early Bird and Membership discounts applied?
Early Bird discounts and Membership discounts are applied to each student for each weekly program that is registered. For example, if you have two students each registering for three one-week programs, then the discount is applied to each student and each week, making a total of six discounted rate levels.
What is Active Advantage? What is this $89.95 charge?
Active Advantage is a discount membership program offered by the registration company. It is NOT part of FOBH - SRSSA. It is designed to give you exclusive discounts to other activities and goods that are NOT associated with FOBH – SRSSA.
Do I have to sign up for Active Advantage?
No. Signing up for this discount program will not reduce any programs or merchandize offered by FOBH – SRSSA.
What is Active Refund?
Active Refund is a cancellation insurance program offered by the company that runs the registration system. It will refund the cost of your registration given certain situations such as illness. Signing up for this program is directly with Active, and FOBH – SRSSA is not involved with the program, the fee, or the refund.
FOBH – SRSSA does not have an official recommendation regarding the use of the Active Refund program, but has seen it benefit families that could not attend one of our programs due to illness. We recommend you consider purchasing the refund program.
Do I have to sign up for Active Refund?
No, but you may not receive a refund if you do not purchase the program.
What is SRSSA’s cancellation policy?
Our website has a page explaining our cancellation policy in detail. Please refer to that page.
What happens on days when the weather prohibits on water activities?
We will strive to offer our programs even in less than ideal conditions. See our cancellation policy page on our website, which will explain our policies for inclement weather.
How will I be advised about cancellations, delayed openings, or early dismissals?
The director of Youth Programs will send information to you using various methods such as, Cell phone text messages, and Tweets.
Is there a multiple student discount?
No, but we highly recommend applying to be a member to obtain the membership discount. Members are volunteers, who have skills needed to help FOBH and SRSSA.
What are the requirements to become a member?
There are a limited number of membership positions. Most positions require having a NJ Safe Boating Certificate, obtained through the State of NJ MVC, or skills in repairing small boats, or skills in outboard maintenance and repairs. Being a member is fun, especially if you have a family membership. Along with the enjoyment of helping a wonderful organization, individuals and families experience no-fuss boating on the Shark River. For more information including non-boating related positions, see in the “GET INVOLVED” section. For more questions or an application, send an email to .
When is Membership Sailing?
Usually on Saturdays and Sundays, from two hours before high water to two hours after high water, depending on weather conditions. Our boating season is usually from the middle of May to early October.
Members only sail, kayak, or use the SUP’s when we have a safety boat driver available to watch the weather conditions and use a motor boat to offer assistance if needed. Safety boat drivers are either one of our sailing instructors, or another member who has been trained, and deemed qualified.
Weekday sailing is very limited but possible depending on the demands of our sailing instructors and boats involved with our youth programs.
All members must declare they have read and understand our safety manual before using one of our boats.
To sail with another person on the boat, the member must have a NJ Safe Boaters Certificate, or be under the close supervision of a sailing instructor.
How can I obtain an NJ Safe Boating Certificate?
It is provided from the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. See their website:
Several members have said the following on-line course is very well done:
How can I purchase official SRSSA merchandise?
Coral Reef Sailing Apparel makes and offers high quality clothing and other items with the SRSSA burgee logo. There is a link on our website, see under “shop”.
Burgee lapel pins are offered to members, but may be obtained by non-members upon request with a donation of $200 or larger.
What is the meaning of the design of the burgee?
The burgee design came from a contest won by a young girl. She explained that the three curved vertical lines trisecting the burgee represent the three bridges that cross the Shark River between the bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The four white spaces have a duel meaning, resenting both shark’s teeth and sails. The original design also had the letters “FOBH” which have since been removed.
What is the difference between Friends of Belmar Harbour and the Shark River Sailing and Science Academy?
The Shark River Sailing and Science Academy is the educational part of F.O.B.H. It emphasizes that our focus is about educational activities on the Shark River. We highly recommend everyone to review our mission statement found on our website at . Our board and staff loves our Mission Statement; it is the star by which we steer.
How can I give a donation?
FOBH is a 501C(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax exempt.
Either money donations may be made by check to “Friends of Belmar Harbour”, or using the PayPal connection found on our website. For more information see in the “GET INVOLVED” section or send an email to .
We appreciate money donations because it reduces the amount we need to charge to our students, many of which would not have the opportunity if we had rates based strictly on our costs. We cannot exist without money donations.
Can I donate a boat?
Yes but not all boats. Our boat yard and dock space is very limited so we can only accept boats that fulfill the requirements of our programs and whether we have storage space. Due to the shallow waters of the Shark River, the boats must have shallow draft. If you wish to donate a boat, please email . The boats we often accept are:
Racing sailing dinghies: Opties, 420’s, Lasers, Sunfish
Hobie Wave, Hobie Getaway
Kayaks, which are made for the ocean or bays.
Small outboard engines if in good working condition.
Boats used by our coaches such as Boston Whalers from 13-19ft, and small Rigid Inflatables Boats (RIB’s) if they have center driving positions.
What type of boats do you have?
Young students learn to sail in Optimist Prams, or their plastic version called Blue Dragons. The children love the bright colored Blue Dragons, and we love their ability to take a beating.
Slightly larger students learn to sail in Hartley 12’s
Older and experience sailors learning to race in 420’s and Lasers. This prepares our sailors for High School and College level sailing teams which race in 420’s.
Adults will learn to sail in various boats, a Hunter 14, or Hobie catamarans. They may move into a 420 as they get experience, or in light air.
We also have Kayaks and SUP’s.
Members can use any boat they are deemed qualified and feel comfortable to sail given the weather condition.
Motorized boats are only for coaches, instructors, and the safety driver.
A complete list can be found on our website:
Can I become a member of the Board of Trustees?
We welcome anyone with the spirit of taking a leadership role who is willing to volunteer to become a board member based on qualification and the level of interests. Board members usually have one or two three-year terms. Board members usually have a background in several of the following areas:
A personal relationship with F.O.B.H such as being a member, or parent of one of our students.
Sailing experience
Boat handling experience
Science education especially in marine, environmental, biology, or physical sciences.
Professional educator, such as a teacher, professor, or school principle.
Experienced Coach of Youth Sports.
Experience in a leadership role involving youth programs such as scouting.
Community leadership such as being a mayor, on the town council, or other government official.
Local business executive with a history of community involvement.
Associated with marine, or science industry.
Having a leadership role or extensive experience involving the financial or legal professions.
Experience in obtaining grants.
A leadership role with a non-profit organization.
Board members are expected to attend monthly meetings, and are actively assisting the organization throughout the year. If interested in becoming a member of the FOBH Board, please email the organization’s president at .