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Help Support FOBH's Mission


Our Story

Established in 1999, the Friends of Belmar Harbor has evolved to meet the interests and needs of the community.  At our heart, we remain a volunteer-driven, educational organization and we want YOU to join our ranks.


FOBH promotes the health and vitality of the Shark River Bay and those who live, work and play on in and around it, by providing to all -- but especially to youth and families of limited means -- abilities and opportunities for adventures in sailing, kayaking, boarding and caring for our bay through classes, clean-ups and related eco-activities.  


Reasons to Give

FOBH is unable to fully meet the needs of the community without generous outside donations. Students pay fees which cover the daily costs of running the program. However, these fees do not allow for scholarships for kids in need or for capital expenditures for boats, equipment, and facilities. FOBH needs donations to:

  • Fund scholarships to serve more kids in our community

  • Purchase boats to replace old/aging boats and to grow the fleet

  • Build a permanent facility


Cash Donations

You can always mail in a check made out to FOBH to our P.O. Box 454, Belmar, NJ 07719. Please include your name and address in the envelope to allow us to send a thank you and a receipt of donation!


FOBH has immediate needs

Updating our Fleet​

  • C420 Fleet – C420s are used by our summer program. Our fleet of 7 boats are over 10 years old and needs to be updated in order to push forward our high school sailing program.  A C420 is $12,000.

  • ​Optimist Fleet - Optimist are used by all our summer courses and FOBH plans to expand a development racing program to foster competitive sailing beyond the Shark River. A Optimist is approx. $4,000


Matching Donations

Many of our community members have set up matching fund donations through their workplace. Registered Charity:

30-0176960.  Please contact our to assist in setting up the donation.


Growing Community Sailing on the Shark River

If you would like more information about possible donations, get in touch today.

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