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Friends of Belmar Harbor presents:

​Shark River Sailing & Science Academy

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Community Sailing on the
Shark River

The Friends of the Belmar Harbor is a volunteer-driven nonprofit educational organization which promotes the health and vitality of the Shark River Bay and those who live, work and play on, in and around it, by providing to all but - especially to youth and families of limited means, abilities or opportunities — adventures in competitive and recreational sailing, kayaking, ecosystem tours, shoreline cleanups and related activities that are accessible, affordable and fun.



We offer week-long programs throughout the summer for 8 to 16 year‐olds. Join us for one week or the whole summer long. Students can learn to sail or build on their past knowledge. We have programs at all levels, from beginning sailing through advanced racing. Not yet ready to sail? How about splashing around and getting to know our inlet through the Discovery Program (ages 7-11) where students start in human-powered watercraft and learn a bit about the body of water we live near.

The best experience I have ever had!


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The John Callahan Foundation

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Corporate Sponsors and Partnerships are Welcomed
Please Contact:


Shark River Sailing & Science Academy  Location

 Belmar Dock: 1300 River Road, Belmar New Jersey 07719

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